The narrative theme for the donor wall creates a moving and meaningful image to honor the Lord in his house of worship. Those that contribute to the building of the chapel have a place to receive recognition for their generosity. The cross saltire suggests His presence during the passion of Christ and the purple robe His victory over death. Interlocking circles of the chapel quatrefoil form are repeated in the pattern of color in the glass tiles in the wall. The green suggests the beauty of the earthly realm and the blues the grace given by the Holy Spirit.READ MORE
This is an oldie but goodie. In my search for videos about the studio I remember this one done by Videographer Greg Gibson. Greg is a member of First United Methodist Church in Clinton, Mississippi. He walked through the entire process from design to installation on one of their windows. From that stand point it is pretty interesting. Besides, it was filmed before my hair turned grey! It is 14 minutes long………~ Andy Young
Paying Attention 03312015
Paying attention is an important thing to do. Especially if you live where I do. In the spring time there is a moment when all of the trees begin to leaf out. Each species of tree has its own signature color of leaf buds in the early part of spring. If you pay attention you can see that the trees along your path are as varied as a crowd of people. You will notice that they stand out individually, if you take the time to see them.READ MORE
Pearl River Glass Studio will be featured tonight on the television news program ‘Making Money with Charles Payne’, which airs on Fox Business Network on your cable provider. The segment will air today, around 5:55 Central Time. There will also be an article about the studio that will be posted later tonight. As soon as the article is up I will post a link. I suspect that at some point I can share a link the news broadcast segment as well.