Stained Glass and Art Architectural Glass
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Through the Kiln-Formed Glass: The Creative Tomorrowland

 “Through the Kiln-Formed Glass: The Creative Tomorrowland”
Lunch & Learn with Andrew Young
Wednesday, August 19, 11:30 am
Mississippi Craft Center



Andrew Cary Young, president of Pearl River Glass Studio, will be the featured speaker for a lunch and learn event entitled “Through the Kiln-Formed Glass: The Creative Tomorrowland” on Wednesday, August 19 at 11:30 am at the Mississippi Craft Center. The event is free and open to the public. However, if you wish to have lunch, the cost is $15 or $10 for members of Friends of the Craftsmen’s Guild. To reserve your lunch, contact the Guild by Monday, August 17 at 601.856.7546.


Young will talk about how the techniques and styles of art glass have evolved over the years and share pictures of some of the extraordinary and innovative art glass commissions his company has created.


He will also explore the role the Craftsmen’s Guild of Mississippi and Pearl River Glass Studio have played in building and expanding the state’s creative economy over the last 40 years. Juried into the Guild’s second class in 1974, he will talk about the impact the Guild has had on his career and the importance of recruiting the next generation of Mississippi artists and craftsmen to continue to grow this valuable part of the state’s economy.

Attendees will have a chance to win a glass art piece from Pearl River Glass Studio.