New Commission Process
Stained Glass and Art Architectural Glass
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New Commission Process

how it works
 Step-by-Step Process

Stained Glass Window Commission

Contacting the studio is the first step in the commission process underway.  If you speak to Melanie McKinley, our office manager, she will gather your contact information and find out from you what the nature of your project is.  She will talk with you about the commissioning of art glass work. Please call the studio office at 601-353-2497 to discuss your project.

A meeting is scheduled with a church committee or with members of an architectural firm. Once we have discussed the scope of work we may determine that a site visit is needed and can be scheduled.

How We Do What We Do

Note: We’re focusing on church window construction in this outline; other applications (corporate, residential) follow a similar course.







1. Site Analysis Meeting

Members of the design committee meet with Andrew Young to discuss the scope of the work to be done. Extensive measurements, photographs, and notes are taken and design ideas are discussed.

2. Presentation of Designs

Young prepares an initial design for approval by the church. Modifications are made to this design before a final design rendering is presented for approval. On some large commissions, a design fee is charged as part of the overall cost.

3. Contract

The contract outlines all of the work to be done and terms of payment. The studio requires a percentage of the total as an initial payment to begin work. Depending of the scope of the project, the cost may be divided into two to four payments. The scheduling of start and finish dates is agreed upon prior to the signing of the contract and is included in the document.

4. Fabrication

The windows are fabricated in our studio using the time-honored lead and glass technique.

5. Installation

Our trained, experienced installation crew properly installs the stained glass into the church. If required, new frames can be provided.

6. Guarantee

Our work is guaranteed for defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of the completion of the contract. Accidental glass breakage is not included under this warranty.

7. Cost

Estimate of costs are available upon request by calling the studio at 601-353-2497