In the Gallery
Stained Glass and Art Architectural Glass
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In the Gallery

prgs exhibition space

In 1994 we created a gallery space for exhibitions at PRGS. Our first exhibit was for noted Jackson artist Elizabeth Wolfe. Known as Bebe to her friends, her painting show was an auspicious beginning.


We continue to seek out exhibitions as a part of our artistic mission. Located in the budding artistic community of midtown Jackson, we are proud to be a catalyst for artistic expression, exhibition and economic growth of this area..

Looking for A Great Place to Showcase Your Work?  Offering over 50 ft. of wall space in Jackson’s Midtown Arts District.  Artists supporting artists.

If you are interested in exhibiting send a resume and a few images to with STUDIO GALLERY in the subject heading. We invite your creativity into our home. Welcome!

April 2019 In The Gallery with Constance Pierce

April 14, 2019

Constance Pierce

Cri De Coeur: Suffering and Transcendence

June 2019

Lucie Cooper

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