Senior Seminar at Belhaven University
Stained Glass and Art Architectural Glass
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Senior Seminar at Belhaven University

Senior Seminar at Belhaven University

Andrew Cary Young Presents at Belhaven University Senior Seminar September 9th, 2015


Andrew presented comments about his Art Production Business document to art seniors at Belhaven Universtiy.  The Senior Seminar, led by Professor Gretchen Haein, included artists Jacob Rowan  and Wes Sumrall in a panel discussion about the business of art to a classroom of senior students.


Young stressed the importance of developing a business plan.  He brought the original copy of the Art Production Business plan document he wrote 25 years ago when Pearl River Glass Studio was developing its successful business model.  Both Rowan and Sumrall gave real life descriptions of their own experiences making a living as a visual artist.  The students asked insightful questions during the discussion.