New Kiln, New Innovations
Stained Glass and Art Architectural Glass
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New Kiln, New Innovations

New Kiln, New Innovations

Pearl River Glass Studio has been developing architectural art glass for some years now. We ran into some technical problems with the type of kiln being used when we began to create larger and larger kiln-formed glass pieces.  Working from my existing knowledge I had purchased electric kilns with heating elements on the top and problems ensued with annealing large glass pieces. We discovered from consultation with Eric Lovell at Uroboros Glass that their kilns had heating elements on all six sides of the kiln enclosure.

Traveling to Portland, Oregon for the SGAA summer conference in 2015, I was able to see firsthand what Mr. Lovell was talking about.  I saw many examples of this type of kiln producing very predictable results for kiln-formed glass on an Architectural scale. Pearl River Glass Studio received a prestigious commission to prepare architectural art glass for a Holocaust Memorial.  In order to achieve the results this job demands, we purchased an Euclid brand kiln and have put it into production.  The Euclid kiln is wonderfully made.  As a designer and craftsman I appreciate the level of detail in the fabrication and the amount of experience in manufacturing our new kiln.  We have run a number of test firings so far and it is performing as required.

As artists in glass we believe that the Euclid kiln will give us the ability and dependability to create anything we can conceive of in architectural art glass.

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More updates to come!