Gus Herrman Holocaust Memorial Story
Stained Glass and Art Architectural Glass
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Gus Herrman Holocaust Memorial Story

The initial design sketch was inspired by earth, sky and the grayness of concrete. I knew that the subject was going to be more challenging than any I have faced before. The initial concept drawing was kept open and expressive to allow the designs of the sculptures to unfold as the project moved forward. I began by investigating ideas in black and white sketches.  But first, in order to get a sense of the scale I made full size mock ups of the forms and colors on cardboard and mounted them in place. I needed to see what they looked like in the garden landscape. I wanted to be assured that I had the right size and number of pieces to make the needed impact on the viewer. It was only then that I prepared half size renderings of the sculptures. These renderings were the models studio glass artist Joy Kichi used to interpret and create the glass. When I started I had some ideas for the themes in my mind. I have always wanted to investigate Kristallnacht because of the broken glass. Further research revealed the themes for the disappearing village and book burning. Even now after the glass is in place I believe that the work is continuing to unfold. As the glass gains an audience the art work will take on a life of its own, beyond whatever I could have imagined at the beginning. ~ Andrew Cary Young