Details + Light
Stained Glass and Art Architectural Glass
stained glass, fused glass art, kiln-formed glass, pearl river glass studio, andy young, midtown jackson, small business, glass, art, jackson, mississippi, water jet services, glass class, restoration, church, studio artist, traditional, prgs, glass art
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Details + Light

Details + Light

disappearing village 01 14 2017kristallknact 01 14 2017

“On a recent evening I stopped by the Holocaust Memorial at Beth Israel Congregation. I was taken back by the detail of the lighting at night against the dark sky.  The Memorial is open free to the public 24/7/365.  Plans are underway to include the Memorial on tours of sites in Jackson as well as religious services by the Synagogue.”

  ~ Andy Young

striped cloth 01 14 2017color detail 01 14 2017