Stained Glass and Art Architectural Glass
stained glass, fused glass art, kiln-formed glass, pearl river glass studio, andy young, midtown jackson, small business, glass, art, jackson, mississippi, water jet services, glass class, restoration, church, studio artist, traditional, prgs, glass art
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posts from our studio team

Design Camp 2017

The S.T.E.A.M. kids of The Boys & Girls Club expressed an earnest interest in learning about and responding to a creative environment.  In addition to creating their own glass art a number of the young men and women were inspired to write down thoughts and symbols and sketch out ideas in their note books.  To see our process through the eyes of the young people afforded an additional effect in that their enthusiasm rekindled the creative fire of our own artisans.

-Andy YoungREAD MORE

Columbus Orthopaedic Center

Artists have always depended on patrons to support their creative efforts.  Columbus Orthopaedic is a perfect combination of patron and artisans. The new facility in Starkville incorporates three significant glass artworks in a medical architectural setting.  The medical art therapy discipline recognizes the value of art in the treatment environment.  Both the Starkville and Columbus physical rehabilitation facilities treat the soul as well as the body with the exquisite beauty of art glass.

-Andrew Young, Chief DesignerREAD MORE

The Chapel

The Town of Livingston has a long and storied history. Madison County courthouse was the last building standing on the old town square before relocating to Canton. The town is making a comeback thanks to developers, lead by David Landrum and Mike Bollenbacher. The group began rebuilding the town shortly after the land was purchased in 2006.READ MORE

Lucky Charms

Just in time for St. Patrick’s Day, PRGS Design Arts Market presents the limited edition of Lucky Charms ($20).
This perfect keepsake or necklace is available in our Design Arts Market. Stop by before the parade. Store hours are MondayFriday 10am-2pm.

Innovate Mississippi

Innovate Mississippi recently relocated their offices from Ridgeland to downtown Jackson, a few blocks from the State Capitol. In celebration, Andrew Cary Young donated these two wall sconces to decorate their new space.

Innovate Mississippi is at the forefront of promoting and encouraging entrepreneurs in Mississippi.  Young has had a lifelong affinity for innovation and inspiring the creative economy. Pearl River Glass Studio’s 2012 Business Plan won first place in the New Venture Challenge sponsored by Innovate Mississippi.

glass heART

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, PRGS presents the limited edition of Glass heARTS.
This perfect keepsake is available in our Design Arts Market. Hours: 10am-2pm MondayFriday.