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Stained Glass and Art Architectural Glass
stained glass, fused glass art, kiln-formed glass, pearl river glass studio, andy young, midtown jackson, small business, glass, art, jackson, mississippi, water jet services, glass class, restoration, church, studio artist, traditional, prgs, glass art
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We're quite the bloggers
October 28, 2015
Art, Magazine, Stained Glass

St. John the Evangelist Church in Boston has a very storied history. For decades it was home for one of the few monastic groups of the Episcopal Church, the Society of St. John the Evangelist. READ MORE
September 18, 2015
Andrew Cary Young Presents at Belhaven University Senior Seminar September 9th, 2015

The Hurricane Platter – A Decade Later
The tenth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina has come, and with it the anniversary of the Pearl River Glass hurricane platter.
The artistic representation of a hurricane, captured in glass, is a reflection of the resilience of all coastal residents who have experienced these devastating and powerful storms. The platters are a depiction of hurricanes and all the people they have affected, and their countless stories.
Our platters, each uniquely hand crafted, make beautiful commemorative gifts.