Bivins Table
Stained Glass and Art Architectural Glass
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Bivins Table

The Bivins table…

Our CPA brought us an empty steel frame for a patio table. He requested we make a mosaic table top to replace the original clear float glass. I immediately called Teresa Haygood the mosaic artist par-excellence for some pointers on how to make this work. We benefited greatly from her knowledge to keep us from too sharp and painful of a learning curve. Tom Crouch designed and made a Styrofoam mold to cast in concrete the basic table form. My son Charlie and I cast the form with concrete and steel reinforcement. Amelia Key and Melanie McKinley cut the glass and laid out the pattern with Tom’s help. Tom and I set the mosaic in mortar onto the table top form. We worked together to grind the edge and apply the grout.

I thought of a simple geometric form – not unlike an accountants spread sheet with rows and columns. Melanie chose and cut the random colors for the background and Amelia cut the borders. This may be the only table top we ever make, I have assured Teresa of that!

~ Andy Young