Fairhaven Centerville, Ohio
Stained Glass and Art Architectural Glass
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Fair Haven Centerville, OH

Fairhaven Centerville, Ohio


The stained glass window, “Path to Christ”, for the chapel at Fairhaven Church in Centerville, Ohio, was designed by Andrew Cary Young of Pearl River Glass Studio, Inc. The window design that you see was a collaboration among Dr. David Smith, Lead Pastor of Fairhaven Church; Mike Ruetschle AIA, lead designer, Mark Ruetschle AIA and Henry Wulbeck AIA, architects;  Steve Ludwig, Governing Board Chairman; Ryan Adams, Director of Operations; Andrew Young, Pearl River Glass Studio.

From the beginning the window was meant to bridge the history of stained glass color and symbolism with the present day need to present an image that was up to date.  The window communicates the themes of the church mission of worship, community and service.  The central cross depicts the triumph of Jesus Christ over death. The cross is not an empty cross but is filled with bright vibrant colors reminiscent of centuries old stained glass windows.  This is the focal point of worship in the new chapel.  The window serves the community in other ways.  The beauty of the window and the symbolism of the golden pathway on a blue field creates an uplifting mood in the chapel for anyone visiting the chapel at any time of the day.  At nighttime, to all that pass by the church, the window is a lighted beacon that speaks of the welcoming spirit of Fairhaven Church.

Church Windows Overview




June 3, 2016


Church Windows