In 2005 Christ United Methodist Church moved 2 miles north along old Canton Road in Jackson, Mississippi. Our first stained glass window built for the 1980 sanctuary, “the Cross Barer” was removed and reinstalled into the new sanctuary.
For the new sanctuary we worked closely with the stained glass committee chaired by Ms. Marian Vesey. Through our successful collaboration we developed a series of stained glass windows that depicted the Holy Sacraments, the Miracle and Parables Ministry of Jesus, Nativity, Crucifixion, the Great Commission, and Pentecost.
Because of the size of the sanctuary it was necessary to build a corridor that precluded outside windows with natural sunlight. Our studio’s innovation was to design, build and install frames and fluorescent lighting to create a balanced and even lighting for the stained glass.
The illumination of the windows in this way influenced the design. Glass that had inherent movement and character was chosen as a consistent background color of gold and light green to unify the designs when seen together in the new space.
Each window includes a quotation from the gospel done in fused glass. These windows incorporate a number of examples of using kiln formed glass to expand the palette to give the windows a rich artistic quality.
Church Windows Overview