C-Spire, Madison, MS
Stained Glass and Art Architectural Glass
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C-Spire, Madison, MS

C-Spire, Madison, MS

When Pearl River Glass Studio initially got this opportunity to work with C Spire, our initial concept was to translate into glass the sense of imagination and energy. We chose as our materials light and dark turquoise color glasses and crushed white opalescent glass; layered with with shimmering silver mica paint and iridescent material to create both a sense of radiating movement streaming across the surface of the piece, and a glowing “light” from the center of the logo transitioning out to deeper aquas. These thick glass panels we then precision cut in house with our water-jet technology, and created a custom hanging system. The result is stunning, expressive glass with a crisp modern presentation. The logo floats on the wall, and with close observation of the edge of the glass one can see the layers and thoughtfulness of our craft. Glass can be uniquely lovely and expressive, and we are so proud to partner in this way with C Spire.
-Joy Kichi, Kiln Formed Glass Production Manager

January 4, 2016


Architectural Art Glass