Andrew Cary Young’s Blog
Stained Glass and Art Architectural Glass
stained glass, fused glass art, kiln-formed glass, pearl river glass studio, andy young, midtown jackson, small business, glass, art, jackson, mississippi, water jet services, glass class, restoration, church, studio artist, traditional, prgs, glass art
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Andrew Cary Young's Blog
Kratz Dekan

Andrew Cary Young’s Blog

As an artist working in glass for forty years I have learned much about life, running a small business, and the fascinating nature of glass as a material for artistic expression. I believe that glass has the potential of being the most expressive of all artistic media and I lay out this argument in a paper I wrote for a keynote address to an annual meeting of the Stained Glass Association of America. Here is the direct link:

The blog gives me the opportunity to share what I have learned along the way. I invite you to respond to what you read here. I look forward to creating a dialog with you.


When reading my blog you will find that I have these other interests, as well.


Since my days in college I have pursued poetry as another form of artistic expression. After all it is language that makes us human. It is one more way for me to stay focused on the individual moments when the visual is not enough to communicate what I feel compelled to say. You may find my poetry a little old fashioned. Whenever I read contemporary poetry I wonder where the rhymes are. I supposed that as a designer I look for repletion as one of the design elements and I apply the repetition of sounds to the design of my poems. Here is the link to Krats Dekan:


It is in the poetry that I am experimenting with creating with video. It has been a lifelong dream of mine to somehow combine all of the disparate elements of my artistic endeavors: painting, writing, design, photography, glass and music, into one unified whole. Let me know how I am doing with some feedback.  I truly appreciate it. Thank you.